JSK Update Log - (Updated 31 January 2023)
Updates to the 16-bit DOS version were stopped in January 2011. The 32-bit Windows version software updates were stopped in June 2014. Only the efficient and versatile unix terminal version, solidly built using the German FlagShip compiler is undergoing constant development with the future in mind.
Due to our forward thinking plans for a product with superior performance at an affordable sustainable cost, the SSH terminal (Linux) version of JSK, either self-hosted or in the cloud, is currently the only version that we recommend and has all the latest features and our full support.
Latest enhancements:
(build 6N028)
(Note: Bug fixes are attended to as soon as they are reported and
are not listed here.
Custom program additions
and modifications that only affect the users that requested
the changes are also not
listed here.
24/01/18 Added current platinum price to gold and USD exchange rates on valuations
26/01/18 Allowed editing of SMS messages from service orders. (up to 3 SMS units)
30/01/18 Made current std stock discount show on duplicate invoices (when positive)
15/02/18 Added system to bulk check stock by weight. for bin# or new GRV batch (IPE)
02/03/18 Made purchase journal entry details, in addition to ref, remembered
02/03/18 Allow re-selection of pre-defined email address if none selected
05/03/18 Automatic set of VAT to 15% during March '18 monthend
15/03/18 Allowed multiple material codes in std.stock & merch. stk check list selection
28/04/18 Added buffered blind capture option for fast memory/rfid scanner upload
01/05/18 Added Inven->Tran->Impute_s/sheet to tranfer supplier delivery to inventory
02/05/18 Added ability to report only undomiciled (not located by branch) raw material
02/05/18 Added mail list code(s) and date-added to CSV bulk mail lists
03/05/18 Added ability to impute new prices only from supplier's spreadsheet
04/05/18 Bar code lookup editor now recognises EAN-13, EAN-8 as well as RFID codes
04/05/18 Can now report stock codes that do not have product bar code definitions
04/05/18 Made spreadsheet imputed prices skip if currently priced in forex
08/05/18 Added live "Import" utility for RFID readers. Required no pre-capture program
09/05/18 Made .dotSSR stock searches pervasive wherever a lookup search is useful
10/05/18 Added stock take 1-page summary analysis report
14/05/18 Added help in price list reports to filter by location
14/05/18 Added live statistics to RFID capture screen
14/05/18 Change merchandise bin set utility to allow long product code scan
15/05/18 Enlaged product_code lookup field size to accomodate UHF RFID codes
16/05/18 Added terminal minimum terminal size check and alert at program startup
17/05/18 Added CSV option to customer age analysis reports
18/05/18 Improved unfinished posting reporting, included POS actual user notification
21/05/18 Added CSV option to creditor's age analysis
06/06/18 Allowed stocktake report picture catalogue to include std.stock images
07/06/18 All picture catalogue reports now also get sent by email
07/06/18 Can now include all (not just imaged) missing items in stocktake catalogue
09/06/18 Made stock take reports remember last-used bin number
24/06/18 Added ability to add and use serial number feature with merchandise
11/07/18 Added NFC token recognition for use as operator pass-keys
19/07/18 Inv->Stktake->Import->RFIDread can now re-enter without duplicates
25/07/18 Added forensic data to payment records (operator passkeys option only)
26/07/18 Added CSV option for credit and debit balances only customer age analysis
03/08/18 Improved ease of payment entry for both debtors and creditors.
11/08/18 Filtered out and hid duplicate stocktake merchandise codes when reporting
13/08/18 Added option for manual setting of exchange rate for dollar-priced items
23/08/18 Added Negative Payment to negative GP alerts if option z is enabled
30/08/18 Added location filter to push-back unconfirmed search
04/09/18 Added "lead_days" field to online store API data
06/09/18 Allowed quick operator NFC scan to bypass passkey requirement (sales)
11/09/18 Added In Stock filter to missing lookup codes report
17/09/18 Made improved utility to quickly & safely set stock-on-hand to capture list
07/11/18 Added Android RFID Handheld reader import utility
13/11/18 Added GP% to by supplier CSV reports (assumes 15% VAT included in price)
20/11/18 Optional print desc+SSR on label. Set tag_colour=+ (crops last line of desc.)
28/11/18 Added optional detailed message footer for A4 laser service orders
04/12/18 The Kingpin passkey now allows selected user mostly passkey-free access
06/12/18 Only TopGun user can perform IBT receiving to other location if option is set
18/12/18 Now showing GL acc balance next to acc name in GL batch&std browse
21/12/18 Displaying prior GL account used for purchases journal entries
23/12/18 Increased standard (recurring) invoice details from 3 lines to 4 lines
24/12/18 Added option to hide payment details from duplicate invoice
15/01/19 Improved labels all-received experience. Shows Qty to print. More friendly
19/01/19 Improved SMS replies. Bold reply text. Reply link now works on Android
25/01/19 Added inactive hours filter option to auto unfinished orders report
28/01/19 Purch->Recieve now allows raw lookup codes without breaking lookup status
28/01/19 StdStk->Recieve now allows raw lookup codes without breaking lookup status
03/02/19 Added date to merch price list. Displayed "Lookup code" in stk & raw view
04/02/19 Purch->Rcv now allows std stk lookup codes without breaking lookup status
05/02/19 Added option to temporary sort stock take capture, list & print, by code
12/02/19 Added group range filter to inven. report journal all-movement
14/02/19 Added address filter to customer top 20 reports
17/02/19 Prevented 2nd user from overwriting order detail, cost and price edits
28/02/19 Added option to display and recall individually deleted stocktake records
10/03/19 Added message showing last label printed before clearing label list
10/03/19 Added support for raw material in inventory push-back utility
26/03/19 Added ability to purge unlimited range of standard stock codes, with cautions
28/03/19 Added logging of passkey usage (requires oedit.dbf update to view records)
05/04/19 Added material code to emailed CSV version of Data->Jrnl->Inv by filter
23/04/19 Added Input VAT integrity check when displaying VAT summary report
16/05/19 Added signature to A4 invoices in addition to graphic footer ([M=+)
31/05/19 added utility to hide undesired/incorrect HTML valuations and catalogues
06/06/19 Added inve. Cat and Bin description editor (currently only for online stores)
06/06/19 Added check for cost edited merchandise being in a service order
07/06/19 Added option to undo any GL posings by posting ref in current F/Y
23/06/19 Std stock without cost prompt for cost & use matcode markup % (-zipsale)
05/08/19 Now prompts for new merchandise bin# if added to service order parts
24/08/19 Added AI to prevent false GP figure when cost is entered with wrong sign
03/09/19 Added option to void gift voucher numbers in file voidvouchers.dbl |nnn|nnnn
04/10/19 Added alert for option to convert reloaded quotation to a sales invoice
05/10/19 Added Barcode/RFID Lookup codes to By Supplier reports
09/10/19 Allowed cell number search for payments
15/10/19 Made Inv BySupplr description work for CSV/XLS version. Added Cus_Locat
16/10/19 Service order invoice can now be !-converted to a transient pro-forma invoice
19/10/19 Added merchandise bin setting by selection criteria by IFM Bin set
21/10/19 Now saving GL recon reports as text files. No need to remember hard copy
22/10/19 Added option to print price on spare (box) label for custom labels
27/10/19 Option to show Slsmn instead of Order on automatic service order reports
15/11/19 Allowed manual selection of Merch code when merchandizing service order
25/11/19 Added option to get JSON file of all standard stock including sold-outs
28/11/19 Added a detailed CSV report for raw material|
04/12/19 Added warning messages if order date promised looks wrong
14/12/19 Made Raw stock full list reports multi-user
06/01/20 Stopped duplicates from showing negative discounts if stock price was reduced
08/01/20 Added simple versatile data count utility
08/01/20 Added simple versatile user-defined report utility. creates text reports
10/01/20 Added list of missing items found in open service orders to stock-take report
14/02/20 Allowed simple reply to emailed reply to SMS to work provided text mode
27/02/20 Made Move-Cash-to-Safe utility take Requested Float change into account
06/03/20 Display up to 4-years turnover history in norman sales control account
08/03/20 Added reporting system for required restocking by supplier stock reference
18/03/20 Added utility to set std.stk min/max levels to ideals set in Ctrl-N distrib.
30/03/20 Made screensaver show exchange rate
31/03/20 Allowed >10m on one invoice. Limit now 25m
03/04/20 Added D_o_B and Anniversary dates to CSV mail list
18/04/20 Prompt for new job location when cancelling an order
21/04/20 Allowed long SMSs, 480 char.max., to be batch merged in the bulk letter utility
07/05/20 Added couint option and now remember selection options in orders reports
02/06/20 Set Ctrl-Space to map to F1-Help key
10/06/20 Improved summary-by-group merchandise cost report (on-demand & y/end)
22/07/20 Added 'Save setting' option to Ctrl-P change listing printer setting
24/07/20 Increased amount allowed in a single GL journal posting to 99 million
27/07/20 Allowed setting of default tag colour, per user, when adding inventory
30/07/20 Added List output option to POS IBT. Can set output to null for no printout
02/09/20 Allowed reselection of month range within sales analysis screen
18/09/20 Created automatic description for non-inventory parts in service orders
19/09/20 Added customer cellphone and email to inventory detailed sales to csv/xls
29/10/20 Added range markup option for raw material prices
30/10/20 Added status update messaging for service orders when manual tracking
16/12/20 Added report for insurance detailed cost of missing to stock-take options
31/12/20 Allowed long sms from the print option of the on-page letter writer utility
01/01/21 Lookup in letter writer of cell number and email address from customer file
12/01/21 Made month selection for duplicate voucher sticky while logged in
02/04/21 Added check to ensure that bank recon report as at GL year-end is saved
20/05/21 Added Appro take-on branch to all appro reports and invoicing lists
07/06/21 Added sort option to appro list and corrected screen paging
13/06/21 Allowed On-Line location "O" in email report address settings
17/06/21 Increased multi-currancy cost and price fields from 9 to 10 chars.
19/06/21 Added: Find old saved HTML valuation letterd. View/reprint with web browser
30/06/21 Option for a full-page graphic background image for emailed statements
30/06/21 Made statement message location sensitive, or default msg for blank location
02/07/21 Set branch letter in statement selections so that correct message is appended
22/07/21 Added option for a full-A4 graphic frame and logo for emailed invoices
25/08/21 Allowed editing of job location data for orders' workshop copy printout
01/09/21 Added CSV option to supplier favourites reports
06/09/21 Added exact date range selection to Inventory Top 20 selling report
17/09/21 Allowed parts prices up to 10 million to print on service order vouchers
29/09/21 Added a reminder alert to check order quoted price when parts price changed
29/09/21 Added graphic footer (lf_repairs.eps) to order customer copy
01/10/21 Made all cases of order parts price edit prompt to adjust total price
12/10/21 Improved Web search, new ability to filter for up to 3 key-words and spaces
21/10/21 Added Price/Comment code easy editor and lister - also for Accounting SK
04/11/21 Added inventory detailed sales report to accounting shopkeeper
08/11/21 Opened metal cost entry when re-receiving standard stock
08/11/21 Order printouts now use postscript to WIN.../M printer (for graphic header etc)
16/11/21 Indented sub-accounts in GL BS and P&L reports
25/11/21 Added branch codes 1 to 9 in custom email settings to use for auto reports
01/12/21 Added check for double posting of last reference using Imputer utility
05/01/22 Added View option to Raw File Maintenance menu
15/01/22 Added CSV option to std stk unbalanced report
30/01/22 Allowed editing of purchases date, restricted to same financial month
01/02/22 Increased password requirement to level 4 to cancel an order that used stock
04/02/22 Added spell check option to service order details
16/02/22 Added inventory bin number to inventory detailed sales report csv/xls
04/03/22 Added GL account name to purch jrnl last GL account display
24/03/22 Added Move Cash to customer (for his ATM?) to swap CASH with EFT
28/06/22 Added functions and requirements for Domestic Reverse Charges (DRC)
03/07/22 Completed DRC sales invoices and duplicate functions
10/07/22 Completed DRC integration with purchases receiving. Added DRC statements
.... 09/22 Attending to bug fixes and general improvements. Please report all issues
12/10/22 Made JSK Web Data Displayer show the edited "Web descriptions"
20/10/22 Allowed DCR Insurance sales transactions
21/10/22 Added CSV option to service order reports
25/10/22 Added CSV option to creditor recon statatements
26/10/22 Added CSV option to debtor recon statatements
08/11/22 Allowed setting a usual/default GL account number for purchases
18/11/22 Added payment date warning when VAT is included in the creditor payment
22/11/22 Added dual-month option for DRC bulk statements
29/11/22 Made quick-finder in JSK search StdStock by default if no merchandise found
28/01/23 Added CSV option to Inventory W.I.P. raw W.I.P.
29/01/23 Added option to print label description instead of data. (Excpt individual) .
Please contact support if you discover a bug or wish to request an enhancement.
Shopkeeper Unix/Linux (All Versions) For
use from any operating system
on desktop, laptop, tablet/slate and most smartphones. No install wizard is provided for these versions. Regular updates and twice-daily (6-times daily in the case of cloud) off-site data backups are provided as a standard service by Shopkeeper Solutions. No self-administration is required.
Free 30-day trial is available with no obligation to buy. Email norman@shoso.co.za with your name and company details.
- Free support is offered during the trial period.
Important notes regarding the old 32-bit Windows version - JSK32
Although we still provide operator assistance for this version, no updates or fixes will be forthcoming.
IF you wish to continue using this version, please note that it WILL NOT RUN ON WINDOWS 10!!! It does still work on the current version of Windows 8.1, but future update patches from Microsoft might break that ability.
This version used older technology and lacks all the new features. The lack of ability to scroll back screen reports alone make the move to the secure (SSH) terminal version a must. Ability to print all reports directly to emailed PDF is another important feature missing from this version. The third thing to consider is that by using the system on you own computer you alone are responsible for the integrity and backup of your data. The extra costs of using our cloud services are easily justified by any one of the advantages.
The good news is that we are offering FREE UPGRADE to the new version provided that you are currently on a maintenence agreement.
Want to learn more about why you should upgrade to the Linux version? Click here