Oct'91 --- June 1992
- Added Janitor program (under Utilities, Housekeeping) to allow user to delete old files.
- Added 'list' option to batch merge of letters. Added F1 help screen for same.
- Added support to display graphic pictures of each stock item. (requires camera and Windows 3.0 software plus an amount of disk space)
- Allowed stock transfers for POS users
- Allowed user to change total cash float (under Utilities Set-parameters)
- Added detailed inventory sales report (Inventory Reports Detailed)
- Fixed spacing bug in 2-across string tags
- Added grade 3 using margin % - allowed customer grade to 3
- Added margin% edit for igroup for customer grade 3 sales
- Allow auto discounts for graded customer on quotations
- Allowed detailed VAT report for any month
- Expanded vat reports to optionally sort input tax by GL account number
- Added option to zero all outstanding orders in supedit
- Barred posting future-year GL transactions.
- Allowed posting of prior-year GL transactions to opening balances. (transactions can be viewed under Util., Amend, GLTyy (where yy is the prior year's year number).
- Fixed numerous minor program errors.
- Improved selection utilities for both customers and suppliers. The ambiguous names are listed, as before, but you can now point to the name you require (using the arrow keys) and press Enter to make the selection. Pressing the right-arrow key will display additional information about the customers/suppliers listed.
July 1992 --- February 1993
- Added legal tax invoice option to zipsales greater than R200.00 by prompting for name and address input for the tax invoice.
- Improved electronic till control reliability.
- Added Voucher format to deposit & Petty cash reports no need to change paper when cashing up at point-of-sale.
- Added warning if last month's VAT was already posted to General Ledger & you try to post purchases to prior month.
- Added payment method="BANK/SPEEDPNT"
- Improved letter-writer utility to ask dimensions for envelope margins.
- Improved letter-writer utility select by birthday and anniversary by date range.
- Added more variables to letter-writer merge utility
- Improved amend utility
- Increased code size in detailed sales journal from 2 to 7 char.
- Improved user-friendlyness of detailed sales report (normalised code automatically)
- Added qty input to unbalanced report so that only more serious unbalances are reported.
- Added standard stock purge by date.
- Added raw material Work-In-Progress report (in Unfinished and Finished Service Orders).
- Added custom label warning when receiving standard stock.
- Added 6-across (2-on-1 dumbbell) label printing option.
- Added integration between raw material receiving and creditors.
- Increased merchandise delete password to 8 characters.
- Added merchandise turnover ratio report (very powerful).
- Added drive letter option to Graft suite so that hard disk file can be used.
- Expanded By Salesman report to include merchandise/inventory detail.
- Fixed quick duplicate to print vouchers regardless of mode setting (manual/automatic).
- Added intelligence to computer generated duplicate so as to print tag price & disc%.
- Added instalment terms display when entering payment.
- Added intelligence in recon statements to automatically find the correct opening balance.
- Allowed G.L. Balance Sheet account numbers to be used in petty cash transactions - password protected.
- Fixed statements to print HP instalment detail even if monthly payment is zero.
- Changed debits so that credit notes also ask months-to-pay provided that balance will still be greater than zero.
- Added "Add instalment" option to HP instalment editor.
- Improved SpeedPoint deposits to provide batch entries to cash book.
- Cleaned Data enquiry of Inventory Journal by stock code to display Location too.
- Added option to have 12 character zipcodes (postcodes).
- Made valuation letters fully multi-user.
- Improved service orders to record mass of the item when brought in.
- Fixed posting of raw material costs to service orders.
- Fixed Point-of-Sale access to view limited account and transactions reports.
- Added "convert to merchandise" option to service orders. This option allows full production control through to labelled merchandise, fully costed and detailed with raw materials used, without double entries being required.
- Added indexed search by customer when entering "Edit" in service orders.
- Stopped valuations & zip-valuations from detailing Gold & Findings used.
- Added Purge-by-date option to customer file maintenance
- Added automatic switch to Purchases Journal entry when finishing a service order.
- Disabled service order status edit at P.O.S.
- Added Wide print option to valuation address print. Removed ref #.
- Fixed customer file maintenance so that multi-users can add names simultaneously.
- Fixed finder totals for standard stock to account for quantity.
- Added bank/speedpoint payment type to zip-sales.
- Added cost lookup to raw material expense vouchers.
- Fixed VAT analysis of output tax report to include journal entries
- Added suppliers stock reference edit and print to purchase vouchers (receiving and orders).
- Added label quantity entry to goods receiving
- Added raw material to purchases goods receiving and orders.
- Added ability to return merchandise in purchases goods receiving.
- Added automatically defined Balance Sheet & Income Statement reports to general ledger.
- Changed revenue & expense totals in income statement to VAT exclusive. Detailed trial balance shows monthly input tax allowed.
- Added cheque amount and detail display when clearing paid cheques.
- Fixed general ledger year end to post brought forward retained earnings (post to prior year allowed opening unbalance which year-end did not look for.
- Added option to expand up to 10 branches.
March --- December 1993
- Expanded comment lines on vouchers print to full length even though other lines are truncated.
- Made all zipsale vouchers print "TAX INVOICE" - allows later, manual entry of customer name and address if required.
- Added error checking for all printer ports with continue-on-other-port options.
- Made payment method selection remember last option used.
- Improved password options and editor. Option to have no passwords.
- Increased maximum password to 10 char.
- No more "Ref=3" & "Ref=6" error messages after a computer failure.
- Program reliability greatly enhanced.
- New, faster record locking.
- Added a posting log to check and alert user of any transactions that failed to complete successfully.
- Added unpost utility to fix half-posted sales
- Simplified "lewej" program to just being able to record log entry because crash recovery is now automatic.
- Split control.dbf into two files to overcome reliability problems with large records.
- Expanded & split Set Parameters to cater for separate control.dbf and oparam.dbf.
- Added save-to and insert/append from disk file to Letters. (Effectively increases of memories from 9 to unlimited.)
- Fixed VAT-Control-Fix utility for standard vat % rather than 10%.
- Added supplier code to search criteria for order chase list.
- Added Voucher format to deposit & Petty cash reports.
- Improved petty cash GL account lookup.
- Added Sub/material code filter to sales analysis
- Added new "list" style to bad debtor list, and added screen option.
- Made journal entries to HP account set account type to "-" if zero balance.
- Fixed add-in VAT journal net amount to display exclusive amount.
- Added automatic VAT posting when creditor's discounts are taken.
- Improved General Journal entries to look up GL accounts.
- Brought forward unpaid cheques younger than 6 months to new year.
- Stopped ability to post unbalanced batch/standard entries due to blank account . Traps invalid account numbers in batch and standard entries.
- Gave VAT distribution posting its own xref .
- Added prior-year option to balance sheet reports.
- Improved default balance sheet and income statement as-at dates
- Added pop-up adding machine/calculator.
- Improved general ledger account look-up by adding GL account browser.
- Expanded normalise function to include abbreviate option (can now print codes excluding "fill" characters.
- Enhanced Graft/Import to re-use codes even if non-identical
- Fixed ability to enter VAT codes A, B & C..
- Added search option & list-from option to stock-take program
- Extended std.stock diamond weight to 3 decimals
- Cleaned improper parts of old merch. cost report (contact support for details).
- Added numbering to transfer vouchers
- Allowed Detailed Sales Report for all users > 3 (limited to Appros for own branch only.)
- Allowed Appro Journal Report for all users > 3 (limited to Appros for own branch only.)
- Added options for labels to use abbreviated codes
- Removed option for "old-style" codes from labels
- Added "strip tags" (one-liners) to labels options.
- Added Alert box for stock<1 and change>100 (normal sales & zipsale).
- Added location option to service order reports.
- Added full appro control system.
- Made customer delete & customer purge check for appros & delete returned appros
- Made customer purge more user-friendly and safe with 10 sec warning before deleting customers with blank dates.
- Added invoice # display to invoiced status of service orders.
- Allowed skipping printout for no-sale transactions.
- Added automatic delivery address lookup to sales.
- Made control account get latest cash data instead of excluding undeposited credits and petty cash
- Added ability to "remove" finished service orders
- Added group code and location filters to service order reports
- Added salesman's initials to service order vouchers
- Protected valuation writer from changing customer name on file
- Added existing customer terms and salesman edit to service orders.
- Made valuation letter customer add as well as valuation edit update customer-last-sales-transaction-date.
- Allowed P.O.S. user to report transaction journal with 2-character password.
- Made envelope margins in valuation letters store defaults.
- Display sale of merchandise at wrong location in "alert" box
- Allowed any non-inventory code post to appro file
- Added customer branch option to appro list report.
- Added working days calculation to Service Orders.
- Changed "P.D. Trans. etc" report name to "Trans. by date" because it is now more versatile.
- Restricted use of account 10300 (in addition to 11100 & 21100) when posting General Journal entries.
- Made sales posting post reference as cheque if negative payment by bank. This now integrates fully with bank reconciliations in that the cheques paid out in debtors, post fully, including cheque , to the cash book.
Jan'94 --- Dec. 1994
- Fixed Notepad Search utility and numerous other bugs and anomalies.
- Added individual cash floats for each branch
- Added nickname option to merged letters *name*
- Put check in parameter settings for invalid temporary drive.
- Moved name&address list to utilities & added selection options
- Added 'address search' to letters/labels/maillist selection criteria
- Improved letter writer translations so that '\' and '^' can be printed. (\\=\ and ^^=^)
- Added disk space check to UPDATE STRUCTURE utility
- Put Update Structure utility on housekeeping menu
- Improved G.L. account selection
- Added print to file, transient (TEMP) and appended (FILE), options to printer selection.
- Allowed printer ports PRN , LPT4, COM3 & COM4
- Freed maximum memory for backupdb command. Can now run tape backup from outer menu.
- Added pop-up inventory finder
- Implemented new single version number message in startup
- New file structure for customer.dbf - adds nickname for use in merged letters, as well as mail list selection fields.
- Added mean turnover field to keep turnover older than 2 years on a depreciated basis. To be used for mail list selection.
- Added terms detail on instalment invoices.
- Increased service order parts lines to maximum of 10 (was 5)
- Took off fc% (finance charge % figure) from reconciliation statement finance charge lines (because the percentages used may have been different at the time.
- Added date in brackets under value for reprinted valuations older than 3 months (prevents reprinted valuations from being assumed current).
- Stopped Repairs from printing lay-by invoices for accounts marked as lay by.
- Added location filter option to sales-by-branch report.
- Added import from scanned codes for stock take options.
- Added std. Stock Price List with all prices, fully selectable.
- Added From-Cost option to range markups.
- Added alert for From-Qty <= 0 in Transfers.
- Added merchandise integrity check.
- Improved Escape when printing tags.
- Added Bar Code labels. For Intermec, Zebra and User-Defined printers.
- Made data entry compatible to bar code reader use for sales and stock take.
- Added summary option to W.I.P. parts-in-process report.
- Added Escape exit to stocktake listings.
- Added Short-Form Raw stock list that excludes nil balance items.
- Added Raw Material Purge.
- Added duplicate merchandise code fixer.
- Added merch. check list to P.O.S. report options.
- Tightened security in P.O.S. inventory reports.
- Added (optional) BIN and CAT codes to standard stock & merchandise.
- Added cat(egory) code selection to inventory journal report.
- Added material code translation for bar coded labels.
- Fixed & enhanced Stock check exception reports.
- Modified Intermec bar code labels to 'paired' labels.
- Added new raw material report.
- Prevented Lay by statements from being printed except if selected.
- Automatic selection of VGA & Hercules graphics - NO Separate driver is required any more.
- Graphs can now be printed on a large selection of printers. (Set printer type in MPRN.DAT)
- Salespersons analysis Pie Chart is now 3D.
- 16 grey-scale PCX images can now be used for photographs of inventory.
- Stopped POS users from viewing ZIP SALE account.
- Improved dead lay by report.
- Expanded statement selection options.
- Improved history program by adding customer number option for full name lookup..
- Revised VAT posting to normalise Add-ON vs Add-IN sales (ijournal (and ijMMYY) now always INcludes VAT/GST and cusanaly (and canaMMYY) always EXcludes VAT/GST).
- Sales Analysis is now always net of VAT.
- Added extra alphanumeric payment reference when payment is to leave a credit balance.
- Enhanced bank deposits to make them transparently multi-user.
- Allowed vat codes a, b and c in non-inventory zipsales.
- Added quick edit for service order locations.
- Improved date validity checking in monthend.
- Made zipsale merchandise returns set location code to new branch.
- Expanded service orders to use stock & merchandise & non-stock.
- Included finished service order cost in GL posting (a/c 12400).
- Added forced appro delete option.
- Added check with option to convert sales invoice to appro invoice.
- Added option to sort repair report by location.
- Moved customer name&address list to utilities & added selection options.
- Fixed merchandising service orders so as to include cost & details of included stock & merchandise.
- Added preview & printed listing to purge customers.
- Changed customer.dbf structure - added maillist features.
- Added mean turnover field for maillist selection (set by year-end).
- Stopped service orders from printing lay-by invoices.
- Stopped POS users from looking at or editing ZIP SALE accounts.
- Corrected early programming inconsistencies regarding default indicators.
- Corrected vat detailed analysis to correctly give selected month when monthend is done early and the new calendar month has not yes been reached.
- Posted purchase order reference to ijournal.
- Logged purchase voucher printing & posting.
- Added G.L. repair facility to reconstruct Trial Balance from gltran.dbf.
- Added automatic posting to General Ledger of change in Finished (but not yet invoiced) Service Order Cost (posts to a/c 12400 & 46000 when sales are posted).
- Added pop-up specialised word and phrase dictionary for use when editing valuations, letters or service orders.
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