The Jewellery Shopkeeper program changes in 1996

In addition to bug fixes and cosmetic changes, the following enhancements have been made between January and December 1996. (In no particular order.)

  1. Increased interbranch transfer reference number to 6 digits
  2. Added bitmap (.BMP) picture support & EGA support to graphics handler. (This allows the display of colour graphics that have been captured with the Video-Blaster or similar interface. The picture must be saved in the default directory with the name of the merchandise or standard stock code. eg. 1100023.BMP or WS--A12.BMP. View the image by pressing V when Viewing the text details at Inventory File maint., Merch/StdStk, View. PCX files can still be used, the program looks for both types of picture file automatically. Most, but not all, picture formats are accepable.)
  3. Added Summary option to sales reports by-salesman
  4. Added debit order program to generate electronic debit order request file. (At present this will only fully electronically interface to the Standard Bank but a printed list is provided. We will charge a one-time setup fee R2500.00 if the bank interface is to be used.)
  5. Improved Tally Cash program. (You can now enter the quantity of each of the sizes of coins or notes - or the amount. It calculates the other field forward or backward.
  6. Added support for payment type BANK/FOREX. (This is similar to SPEEDpoint payment type in the way that it operates on your computer. You enter the amount paid in Rands, after converting the currency manually. When you next do a deposit the computer will add them together to form a Rand total, while the foreign currency must be deposited into the bank on a separate deposit slip. The difference between your currency conversions and the bank's will be apparent when comparing the bank statement to your cash book - an adjusting journal entry can then be made.)
  7. Allowed branch-limited debtors ledger for POS users
  8. Added Finance charge type O (letter oh) for interest/Instalment accounts. (If instalment terms are not specified, then it will be the same as a normal account, but when instalment terms are specified, AND finance charges on arrears are calculated, then the type Oh account will have interest calculated on full balance that is owing - not just the arrear instalments.)
  9. Changed FC standard so that parameter refers to annual % if 10% or more is entered in set parameters. (this allows more accurate entry of finance charge percentage. For example, if you enter the FC parameter as 28.5, the monthly finance charge will be 28.5/12 = 2.375%)
  10. Increased petty cash amount allowable to R9999.99 with alert above 999.00
  11. Increased sales line limit to 999999.99 with alert above 99999.00
  12. Made repair invoice find blank lines for editing rather that just last 3 lines
  13. Allowed Service Order FINISH to edit all Details fields
  14. Improved finder to find cost prices (manufactured or supplied) if show cost is set to Y
  15. Allowed discount on service orders (bottom line adjustment)
  16. Allowed sales details to post to merchandise from service orders so as to record price obtained even if discounted when invoicing.
  17. Added parameter file (CSD.DBF) to edit list (call support for full details)
  18. Added optional password protection for non-barcode entry of inventory codes
  19. Added password protection for VOUCH/CONT zipsale payments
  20. Improved password protection when editing customer name. Alerts when changing name and asks for verification.
  21. Allowed statements from P.O.S.
  22. Added insurance invoices. (This is actually a double invoice. You enter all the details and then an invoice is generated for the customer and another for the insurance company.)
  23. Allowed password-protected access to stock-take for P.O.S.
  24. Added Cash-Price version to label options. (Two prices are then printed on the labels. The second price is preceded by "cp" and is discounted either by the DISC2% for the applicable group code, or by a percentage which you enter.)
  25. Reorganised label menus and added Bob's Own version to bar-code versions
  26. Allowed option for 16-char. sup_stk_ref
  27. Stopped automatic flagging of post-dated purchase transactions as redundant. (Before, it was not easy to remember post-dated cheques that were issued, because if you viewed the account, they would be hidden. Now, if you want then hidden you must flag them using Procedures, Flag redund.)
  28. Added merchandise turnover analysis by supplier and by material code. (This useful management report is now even more useful. If you haven't yet discovered it, it is found at Inventory, Reports, Merchandise, Turnover.)
  29. Expanded program to cater for up to 20 (twenty) locations. Additional licence fee will be payable depending on the number of locations required.

I have avoided making too many changes to the program and instead have concentrated on program stability. Next year you will see more adventurous enhancements. A new version of the Clipper compiler will be used in order to solve the enigmas of the present compiler and to allow some new features to be added. But this will mean a cessation of development on the present system and no enhancements will be released on a pre-release basis until the new system is fully tested.

The present development system will not be dismantled, and therefor I will continue to provide users with small updates, such as address changes or new invoice messages, as required, while the new version is being developed.

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